Friday, June 21, 2013

Basic Info on Treating Your Family Health Naturally

By Dr. Mom
 The first thing that I teach is what a Naturopath is:What is Traditional Naturopathy?
Although the term “naturopathy” originated in the late 19th century, the art can be traced back through Germany into Greece, to Hippocrates himself, and even beyond. There have always been people who understood that healing occurs naturally in the human body, when it is given what it truly needs: proper diet, pure water, fresh air, sunlight, exercise and rest.
“Natural forces within us are the true healers.”

Traditionally, individuals who understood this principle have focused on helping the body establish its own condition of good health, rather than on overcoming a particular disease. Today, these individuals are known as either traditional naturopaths or naturopathic consultants.
In the views of traditional naturopathy, good health encompasses far more than the absence of disease. Instead, it is a dynamic state in which body, mind and spirit maintain an energetic equilibrium known as homeostasis. While traditional naturopaths recognize the importance of allopathic healthcare in specific instances, they also understand that many accepted allopathic treatments may not truly promote homeostasis.
In an approach that often equates symptom and disease, allopathic philosophy holds that disease is often caused by external agents and cured when the offending agents, which cause the symptoms, are eliminated. The traditional naturopath sees a symptom as a signal that the body’s healthy balance has been upset. According to naturopathic belief, when a symptom alone is removed, it is most likely being suppressed and may return later in a chronic form. True health can be achieved only when balance is restored.

Traditional Naturopaths Do:

Education is celebrated in the Latin phrase docendo discimus: “by teaching, we learn.”
In teaching clients how to live a healthy, holistic lifestyle, traditional naturopaths follow these principles:
Primum non nocere is part of the Hippocratic oath. Naturopaths do not use harmful, artificial substances such as drugs and pharmaceuticals; nor do they use invasive procedures, such as surgery.
Naturopaths understand the body's innate capacity for self-healing. They educate clients in creating external and internal environments conducive to healing.
Naturopaths help clients evaluate lifestyle choices to identify both the cause of a problem and how to correct it.
Naturopaths teach clients how to achieve and maintain good health. They empower clients, enabling them to participate in the process of staying well.
A person is never simply a headache, or a backache, or a sore throat. Except in the case of acute injury, seldom does any problem occur in isolation. Naturopaths understand that people are interconnected physical, mental, and spiritual beings, and that one “dis-ease” affects all areas of life.
By teaching clients how to create homeostatic balance, naturopaths help others achieve future health as well.

Traditional Naturopaths Do NOT:

The origin of “doctor” was in the Latin, docere: “to teach.”
In teaching clients how to live a healthy, holistic lifestyle, traditional naturopaths avoid certain allopathic practices:
Naturopaths perform evaluations and analyses to determine the root cause of problems, but they do not diagnose disease.
Naturopaths focus on health and education, not on treating any specific disease. Naturopaths empower clients to create internal and external environments that are conducive to good health.
Many naturopaths teach clients about herbs, homeopathic remedies, and the healing properties in foods and nutritional supplements. They do not prescribe drugs and pharmaceuticals.
Depending on the type and extent of their training, naturopaths may use hands-on modalities such as reflexology or acupressure. There are naturopaths who are also chiropractors or massage therapists, who may blend naturopathic modalities with those common to their other discipline. For example, this would include performing spinal adjustments if the naturopath is also a chiropractor. Naturopaths do not perform invasive procedures such as surgery of any kind. They do not give injections or draw blood.

Dr. Mom / Dr. Dad

Class One- Just Say “No” to Drugs

• Pain is why we seek help when we are sick. If illness didn’t cause “dis-ease” (literally lack of ease) we would not be motivated to cure it.

• Pain is the nearly universal symptom of all human affliction whether physical or emotional

• The universal desire is to find relief from that suffering.

Common substances used to relieve pain:

• Advil , Tylenol and Excedrin for our everyday aches and pains

• Alcohol is commonly used to self medicate to avoid dealing with unpleasant feelings.

• Tobacco is another drug of choice to numb emotional pains

• Tranquilizers and other prescription meds and various street drugs are used by millions in an effort to escape their suffering.

• Even food is used to dull our senses to avoid facing the unpleasant experiences in life.

None of these drugs (whether over the counter or prescription, legal or illegal) actually relieve the
cause of our pain. They just numb us to it. They numb our nerves and tissues so our brains don’t get the message that our body is suffering. They kill part of the natural process of our body in order to shut off the message that something is wrong.

• That which is good for our bodies brings the sensation of pleasure, while that which is harmful brings pain.

Pain and pleasure:

• Nothing evil (i.e. damaging to ourselves or others) can be genuinely pleasurable.
• Evil or damaging influences may appear pleasurable to the mind that is disconnected from the genuine sensations of our body, but anything that is harmful causes damage to the body or the psyche which ultimately brings the experience of pain.

• Eating is pleasurable because our body requires nourishment. The pleasure of eating ceases when the appetite is satiated.

Cause and effect:

• When we continue to touch the hot stove by repeatedly doing something that is harmful to our bodies, the pain and sense of “dis-ease” gradually increase until it reaches a threshold that demands our attention.

• Most of us want to continue to slam our finger in the door, and then take something to make it stop hurting.
Dr. Mom / Dr. Dad
Class One- Ruling Your Own Kingdom

In order to understand how to relieve pain by removing its cause, rather than just suppressing it and pretending nothing is wrong, you need to understand what causes pain.

Cellular level:

• Cells are the basis of all living things and life depends on keeping those cells happy.

• Cells need five things; oxygen, nutrients, water, balanced temperature, and constant removal of waste material.

• Cells also need to be protected from toxic material that could be introduced into the fluid around them. Understanding how the body detoxes both from its own waste and also from poisonous foreign substances is critical to understanding how to keep cells happy and healthy.


• Means that everything in the cellular world is normal. It means that our cells have the dissolved oxygen and nutrients they need, in a clean, moist and pleasantly warm environment.

• When homeostasis is disrupted in any part of the body it will experience discomfort and pain.

• Cells can theoretically go on living indefinitely if they get the things they need.

• The more cells that get sick and die, the sicker we become and the more pain and disease we experience.

• If enough of our cells die, then the body shuts down and we die too.


• There are about 75 trillion cells in our body.

• Cells are segregated into cell neighborhoods according to their function. Cells that perform similar jobs are joined together to form tissues. These tissues are then joined together to form organs and systems.

• Each group of tissues that form an organ or system does something for the whole body and in turn receives what it needs from the whole body.

• Our cells are joined together for the common good and they depend on each other.

• We cannot just be sick in our liver or our kidneys. If one part of us (one organ or group of tissues) is sick, then the whole body suffers because all of our cells are dependent on each other.

• If some of the tissues in our lungs were to go on strike (or just couldn’t work because they’re too sick) then our whole body is going to suffer from the lack of oxygen.

• Fortunately, there are many backup systems in the body which kick in when some tissues are struggling. This is why our bodies are capable of enduring a tremendous amount of abuse before they actually break down. The breakdown always occurs at the cellular level.

The “Dry State”:

• In order to understand how the body breaks down we need to zoom in and learn how homeostasis or normal conditions are maintained.

• Under normal conditions all cells live in what is called a sub-atmospheric pressure condition or “dry” state. This means that there is no pressure in the spaces surrounding the cells.

• All cells are surrounded by lymph. Lymph is the colorless fluid that oozes out of an injury or wells up under a blister. It is essentially the fluid portion of the blood (plasma) after it has left the circulatory system. Lymph bathes every cell of our body.

• They lymph forms a type of internal ocean in which all of the cells of our body live. It is the soil in which all of our cells grow and must be free of toxic waste, comfortably warm and loaded with a proper balance of oxygen and nutrients in order for our cells to be healthy.

• It is critical that this fluid is changed frequently because our cells are constantly burning up the oxygen and nutrients and releasing the waste into the surrounding fluid.

• In a healthy body this fluid is changed 80 times every second

• The fluid is also being recycled and is filtered by the colon, liver, kidneys, sweat glands and lungs.

Plasma Proteins:

• Osmotic pressure keeps all of the fluid in the blood stream from seeping through the little pores and running into tissue spaces.

• Pores are semi-permeable and are large enough to allow some things to pass through (like water and oxygen) but not big enough for other things to pass through (red and white blood cells are too large)

• Something else that cannot get through these pores is the plasma (or blood) proteins- albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen. These proteins (albumin in particular) are what keep most of the fluid in the blood stream.

• The lymphatic system travels on the way moving the lymph out of the tissue spaces through the lymphatic vessels and back into the circulatory system.
Class Two
Applying pressure with herbs

Understanding the inflammatory process and how to physically relieve pain opens new doorways of understanding about how to use herbs and other natural healing techniques to assist the healing process.
• There are many non toxic plants that can be used to reduce or alleviate pain by helping to heal the underlying tissue damage.
• Any herb that helps to inhibit or reverse the inflammatory process can be thought of as pain relieving because it is removing the underlying cause of the pain.

Bites and Stings
• Bites or stings introduce a poison into our tissues that begins to cause cellular damage.
• Inflammation sets in as the proteins in our blood plasma leak into the tissue spaces.
• The pooling of fluid in the tissue spaces produces a very useful effect by inhibiting the spread of the poison through our blood and lymph. It inhibits the toxin by sequestering it.
• It is not wise to start dramatically increasing lymphatic flow through massage stroking because that would just spread the poison more rapidly.
• Where there is a poison in nature, there is usually an antidote within a few feet.
• Snake and insect venom is usually composed of foreign proteins, meaning proteins that are incompatible with and toxic to our body.
• The ability of tannin to precipitate proteins may explain why tannin –bearing plants are so useful in treating insect and snakebites.
• By causing the venom to clump together and fall out of solution, the tannin neutralizes the venom and prevents it from spreading in the body.

Bleeding wounds
• The technique of applying direct pressure is the most valuable method of speeding healing in any kind of bleeding wound.
• Pressure applied to a bleeding wound has two purposes.
1. It helps mechanically slow or even stop the loss of blood, which can prevent the person from bleeding to death when the injuries are severe.
2. It will counteract the inflammatory process at the site, as we learned in the previous lesson.
• With minor cuts, the same rules apply as with any other kind of injury. Keep applying pressure until the pain stops.
• Because of their ability to apply chemical pressure to an injury, astringents can also be very helpful in treating bleeding wounds of all kinds.
• Astringents that are strong enough to stop bleeding are known as styptics.
• When applied topically, a styptic precipitates the plasma proteins, especially fibrinogen, thus speeding the formation of blood clots.

Bites, stings and bleeding wounds:
• Astringent herbs are used for bites and stings due to their ability to contract tissues. Astringents have contracting properties due to tannins.
• Yarrow is wonderful for deep cuts and serious wounds. It has history of being used on the battlefield in three different continents for more than 2,000 years.
• Other astringent herbs are:
1. bayberry bark
2. blackberry leaves, twigs or root bark
3. bugleweed herb
4. calendula
5. cinquefoil (Potentilla ) leaves
6. eyebright (mild)
7. geranium, wild leaves and root
8. gum weed (grindelia) leaves
9. lady’s mantle root, herb
10. loosestrife, purple herb
11. Manzanita leaves
12. Oak bark or leaf (any oak tree will do)
13. plantain leaves
14. poplar or cottonwood bark or leaves
15. raspberry leaves or twigs
16. rose leaves, twigs, fruits (hips)
17. sage herb
18. sunflower leaves
19. uva ursi (bearberry )leaves
20. willow bark or leaves (any species)
21. witch hazel bark
22. yarrow leaves

Additional Remedies:
• Activated Charcoal
• Black Cohosh
• Lobelia Extract
• Capsicum powder or extract
Class Two
Taking the Flame Out of Inflammation

• While burns can be reversed by using pressure or rapid-light stroking, there is often too much pain with burns to and scalds to endure using these techniques by themselves.
• It is easier to use pressure or stroking on a burn while running cold water over it or alternating with applying ice.
• Burns heal more quickly when you are able to take the heat out of them.
• Astringents can also be used on burns , but they are less effective than another class of herbal remedies called demulcents or mucilaginous herbs.
• Demulcents or mucilaginous herbs are used for burns. They are effective for reducing heat or inflammation, whatever the cause.
• They are a form of water soluble dietary fiber.
• This kind of fiber has a soft slippery texture to it when moistened.
• When mucilant herbs are applied to body tissues, they not only hold moisture against the tissues to keep them supple and moist, they also absorb toxic irritants which alleviate the cause of the inflammatory process. The effect of this is that they cool down hot inflamed tissues which have been mechanically or chemically burned.

Mucilaginous herbs:
1. aloe Vera juice or gel
2. arrowroot rhizome
3. bulrush stems
4. burdock leaves
5. cattail mucilage or white part of leaves
6. chickweed herb
7. comfrey leaves or root
8. corn silk
9. Dulse seaweed
10. fenugreek seeds
11. flax seeds
12. hollyhock flower and leaves
13. Iceland moss lichen
14. Irish moss seaweed
15. malva or cheeseweed leaves and root
16. marshmallow leaves or root
17. mullein flowers and leaves
18. oat seeds
19. okra fruits and leaves
20. plantain leaves or seeds
21. psyllium seeds or hulls
22. purslane herb
23. squash leaves and flowers
24. slippery elm bark
25. tapioca dried root starch

Any of these plants can be crushed or chewed and applied topically to cool burns and take out the heat. If you have dried powders, simply mix the powder with enough water or aloe vera juice to make a thick paste and apply it topically to the burned area. This is called a poultice.

Additional burn remedies
• ice or cold water- contracts and removes heat from tissues
• honey or pure vanilla extract

• The use of ice cold water helps burns partly because it contracts tissues, but is also help to remove the heat from the tissues.

Poultices and Soaks
• These herbs are not just limited to just helping burns.
• Poultices of mucilaginous herbs, or mucilaginous herbs combined with astringent herbs, can be applied to any type of swollen, painful area.
• Mucilaginous and astringent herbs can also be used as soaks.
Class 3- the Cold is the Cure
Symptoms are the efforts of the body to heal itself

• All acute illness involves the same inflammatory process that takes place in injury. The difference is only in the cause of the problem, not in the effect.
• The irritation that sets up the inflammatory process in acute illness is always chemical in nature. Some irritant is present in the system that is causing damage to the tissues.
• When you have a sore throat, your throat is inflamed. Something has damaged cells in your throat area. Histamine and bradykinin have been released into the surrounding tissue spaces, causing capillary pores to dilate. Plasma proteins from the blood stream have entered the spaces around the cells causing the tissues to swell and retain fluid. The cells are suffering from toxic retention , oxidative damage and lack of oxygen. The result is that we experience pain.
• Anytime we see the symptoms of heat (elevated temperature either locally or generally as in a fever) swelling, redness and sharp pains, we are dealing with an inflammatory condition.
• In order to really get rid of the problem, we must help the body get rid of the cause.
• Treating the effect without removing the cause (the chemical irritation causing the inflammation) will only result in recurrence of the problem.
• In every instance of acute illness, there is a toxin or irritant that is damaging tissues causing inflammation to set in.
• This toxin or irritant may be chemical or microbial in nature, but the result is still the same.
• Cells are damaged and the process of inflammation begins.

The Process of Acute Illness
• When the tissues are exposed to an irritant of any kind, they respond by becoming hyperactive. They increase their energy output in an attempt to expel the irritant.
• We experience that hyperactivity as a sense of disease (literally meaning lack of ease). As long as the irritant is present, the sense of dis-ease will continue to mount.
• The point at which the irritation is dispelled is called the disease crisis or the crisis for short.
• Once the crisis has passed, we begin to feel better, and the sense of dis-ease diminishes until the body returns to normal function.
• If addressed in the early stages, nearly all acute illnesses can be overcome in less than 24 hours.
• In stead of trying to counteract what the body is attempting to accomplish, we simply work with the body and accelerate, rather than suppress the symptoms.

The body furnace
• We will compare the body to a furnace (or wood stove).
• The furnace takes in air and fuel and burns it to create heat or energy.
• The smoke and ash (waste products) are removed.
• The body takes in oxygen and nutrients, and then metabolizes or burns them to create the energy that runs the body. WE then eliminate the waste from this process.
• In disease, the body is not receiving the oxygen and nutrients that it needs, the flame of life is diminished and waste materials (toxins) are building up in the firebox.
• These toxins are creating inflammation, the same process that occurs when a part of the body is smashed, cut, burned or otherwise injured.
• The only difference is that 1) the inflammation that sets in is on the inside of your body and 2) the cause is waste material or toxins.
• The source of the irritation is chemical rather than mechanical
• So, if the chimney in the fire place gets partially plugged and the ashes and clinkers aren’t removed from the firebox, then the accumulation of waste material is going to start suffocating the fire.
• A similar thing happens in the body when toxins accumulate they produce inflammation, which causes the supply of oxygen and nutrients to diminish and cells begin to suffocate in their own waste.
• This is the state of the body in all acute illnesses and contagious disease.
Understanding Symptoms
• The body does not have just one chimney, but has four major channels of elimination.
• When one channel cannot handle all the waste in the body, then another, stronger, eliminative system will take up the slack.
• This process is called “emergency evacuation” or “vicarious elimination”.
• This produces most of the symptoms of acute ailments.
• When it occurs through the digestive tract, we call is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. When it occurs through the urinary system it may produce frequent or burning urination or other signs of kidney or bladder distress. When it occurs through the skin we have body odor, excess perspiration, pimples, acne, rashes, hives and pox. When it occurs through the lungs we have bad breath, sinus drainage, runny noses, coughs and other forms of respiratory congestions.
• Thomas Sydenham “ Disease is nothing else but an attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of mobific matter”
• Modern science will never discover a cure for the common cold because the cold is the cure.
• Symptoms we associate with colds: fever, sinus drainage, coughs, sneezing etc are not the disease. Symptoms represent the efforts of the living body to heal itself.
• Anything we do to interfere with the symptoms is actually interfering with the process of life, and is acting contrary to the forces of healing.
• This is not only true of colds but of acute ailments. Symptoms like rashes, hives, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, itching, body odor, poxes, rashes, pimples, sneezing, coughing and even fiver are all manifestations of the life process. They are all efforts of the body to heal itself.
• Anything we do to try to block or suppress these symptoms will only prolong the illness
• In order to get rid of the effect, we must find and eliminate the cause.

Symptomatic Relief isn’t Healing
• Suppressing symptoms can be likened to putting a “cork” in one of the body’s chimneys.
• This gives the appearance of a cure by eliminating the effect of the disease, but it does not eliminate the cause. It actually contributes to the underlying cause.
• What happens is that the body generates a new disease (that is a new set of symptoms ) to try to get rid of excess waste
• These new symptoms are side effects of the medications.
• When the side effects show up , more suppressive medications are used to block the new eliminative processes.
• Soon, all of the body’s chimneys have been weakened and suppressed.
• Once the body has flushed the irritation (toxins) the crisis will pass and our health will rapidly return to normal.

Natural Healing ABC
The following must be done to achieve healing in the body:
• A- The dying spark of life must be fanned. We call this process Activation
• B- The right kind of fuel needs to be put into the firebox so there is a clean –burning flame. This means eating food that will nourish the life – process. This is called Building.
• C- So that the smoke will be eliminated, chimneys need to be opened and accumulated ash cleaned out. This means aiding the eliminative organs to open up all of the body’s chimneys- the bowel, the kidneys, the skin and the lungs. This process is called Cleansing.
Class 3- Activating the Healing Response

• When the body’s furnace is clogged and the internal fire is low (immune defense), the first thing we need to do is activate the body’s energies.
• We can liken this to fanning the flam of life to get it to burn more brightly.
• Activation is one of the three healing principles.
• As long as the body has enough energy to reach the disease crisis and expel the irritant, one will recover.
• Placebo effect- always be positive and encouraging with your children that they will get well and will feel better soon. It is important to show compassion that that are suffering, but it is also important not to be sympathetic in the sense of feeling sorry for them.

Aromatic and Pungent Herbs
• An aromatic herb has a strong aroma like peppermint or wintergreen. A pungent herb is one that has a spicy “hot “flavor like cayenne pepper or ginger.
• These herbs are very stimulating
• Peppermint stimulates digestion and mental alertness and other aromatics have similar kinds of effects.
• These herbs stimulate the flow of blood and lymph which helps bring oxygen and nutrients to inflamed tissues, while increasing the drainage of waste materials at the same times.
• These herbs also have modest infection fighting properties, so if the cause of the irritation is a microorganism they will help the body expel it.

The following are a list of some of the pungent and aromatic herbs:
• Cayenne pepper or capsicum fruit
• Chamomile herb
• Cinnamon bark and twigs
• Clove bud
• Garlic bulb
• Ginger rhizome
• Horseradish root
• Jalapeño peppers
• Lemon balm herb
• Mustard (hot) seed
• Onion bulb
• Peppermint herb
• Rosemary herb
• Sage herb
• Spearmint herb
• Thyme herb

Many of these are sitting in your kitchen spice pantry , however the quality of many brands of spice herbs is poor and it is recommended to get better quality materials to be used for healing.

Composition and herbal crisis
Herbal Crisis is based on a formula from Samuel Thompson called Herbal Composition Powder. It is composed of the following aromatics and astringents.

4 parts bayberry root bark
2 parts white pine bark
1 part ginger
½ part clove
½ part capsicum (cayenne)

For a similar effect, you can also mix equal parts capsicum and lobelia extracts and take small, frequently repeated doses at the first sign of cold or flu. Adding Echinacea to the mixture will make it even more effective. Adding capsicum to soup can also help to open up the elimination systems.

Children’s Composition

Both Herbal Composition and Herbal Crisis are very powerful at knocking out acute illness, particularly illness involving respiratory congestion; however they are too spicy for children and even for some adults.

Children’s Composition is a milder activator that will work for adults or children

1 part yarrow flowers
1 part peppermint leaf or spearmint leaf
1 part elderflowers
½ part chamomile
½ part lemon balm
½ part elderberries

Put four ounces of the above mixture into a quart Mason jar and cover with a mixture of 60 percent glycerin and 40 percent purified water. Put the lid on the jar and put the jar into a boiling water bath (as if you were canning it) for 20-30 minutes. Allow the jar to cool, and then strain the mixture. It is very pleasant tasting and easy to get children and adults to take.
Class 3- Using Energy for Rapid Healing and Pain Relief

• Albert Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 = E = energy, M= mass, C = constant which is the speed of light.
• This equation tells us that the amount of energy present in any piece of matter is equivalent to its mass multiplied by the speed of light squared ( that is 186,000 multiplied by 186,000 or 34,596,000,000)
• Matter and energy are interchangeable. Matter is simply condensed energy and the relationship of matter to energy has tremendous implication in healing work.

Rapid-Light –Stroke
• This is simply stroking the injured area rapidly to increase lymph movement.
Lesson 3- The Hair of the Dog

Homeopathies and enzymes as energetic remedies

• Homeopathic remedies are another way to help effect rapid healing of pain and injuries.
• Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like”. The Latin roots of the word roughly translate “in harmony with the pathology (or symptom).
• Instead of giving a substance that counteracts or suppresses a particular symptom, we give a very tiny dose of a substance that if given in large doses, would enhance or create those symptoms
• When a person has a fever, it would be treated homeopathically by giving highly diluted amounts of substances that cause fever when taken in large quantities.
• In colloquial terms we call that “taking the hair of the dog that bit you”

• Allopathy, the standard philosophy in modern medicine, is the practice of using substances that act against the symptom.
• Allopathy generally tries to counter what the body is trying to do.
• The Latin roots of the word Allopathy would roughly translate “against or in opposition to the pathology or symptom

• The philosophy of naturopathy works on a basis similar to homeopathy.
• We are trying to work in harmony with nature
• In naturopathic practice we want to work with what the body is trying to do, instead of against it.

• Arnica is the herbal equivalent to rapid –light- stroke and is one of the most valuable of all medicinal herbs for treating injuries.
• The actual plant is toxic and should not be taken internally. (this does not include homeopathic arnica tablets)

• Arnica oil, arnica tincture or homeopathic arnica creams are applied topically to heal bruises, sprains, and sore muscles by reducing swelling and inflammation.

• Internally, the homeopathic is used for all types of traumas involving inflammation and swelling: bruises, sprains, tired and aching muscles, wound healing, sprains, dislocations, bruising, hematomas, edema associated with fractures, phlebitis, thrombosis, arthritis and rheumatic pains, inflammation of mucus membranes, inflamed insect bites, and internal bleeding.

• Calendula also helps cuts health faster, although arnica by itself should not be applied to broken skin.

• Arnica typically reduces swelling and relieves pain by itself within about 15-20 minutes

Rescue Remedy
• When skin is abraded or cut Rescue Remedy can be used with amazing results.
• Rescue Remedy was developed by Dr. Edward Bach, an English homeopath, who created a series of homeopathic-like preparations called flower essences.
• Bach’s flower essences were designed to heal emotional issues a, and the Rescue Remedy blend was specifically formulated for shock.
• They are not only taken internally for shock but will also reduce inflammation and swelling and take the pain out of injuries.
• You can apply the blend topically; full strength or you can use a spray bottle with about 6-8 oz of purified, distilled, spring or reverse-osmosis water in it. Add about ten drops of Distress Remedy. This mixture can be sprayed on abrasions, burns and other injuries to help rapidly reduce swelling and pain.
Class 4~ Remove the Cause

Samuel Thomson stated “remove the cause and the effect will cease”

The Liver
• the liver is a very important internal organ of detoxification.
• The liver acts as a “second line of defense” against toxic material.
• It contains thousands of enzyme systems that will try to break this toxic material down into simpler, less toxic materials.
• Alcohol is a toxin , so the liver will break it down into sugar
• It also tries to destroy the pesticide residues, food additives, drugs and other toxic materials the body may ingest and absorb into the blood stream.

Liver crisis~ also known as the 24 hour flu is the result of the efforts of the liver to detoxify the body. Morning sickness is another form of liver crisis that occurs in pregnant women as their bodies try to flush toxins to protect the developing baby.

• One of the methods the liver can utilize when dealing with a toxin is to flush it back into he digestive tract via the gallbladder. This toxic bile irritates the upper part of the small intestines, creating nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. This procedure can be thought of as a kind of self cleansing “chimney fire” in the digestive tract.

Mucilaginous herbs, fiber or small amounts of activated charcoal can absorb the toxic bile being released from the liver and keep it from recycling (i.e., being reabsorbed into the intestines and transported back to the liver). Herbs can also be used that strengthen the liver and promote more bile flow to flush the liver more quickly.
These herbs are called chologagogues:
• Alder bark
• Artichoke leaf
• Blessed thistle root
• Blue flag root
• Celandine herb and root
• Culvers root
• Dandelion root and leaves
• Fringe tree bark
• Milk thistle root and seeds
• Toadflax flowering herb

Blood purifiers or alterative~ can be used for skin problems such as rashes, hives, acne, pimples, blemishes, pox or itching. The following blood purifiers or alterative can be taken internally to help clear up skin conditions:
• Barberry root bark
• Burdock root and leaves
• Cleavers (or bedstraw) herb
• Culver’s root
• Dandelion root and leaves
• Echinacea root
• Mullein herb
• Oregon grape root
• Pau d’arco bark
• Red clover flowers and herb
• Sheep sorrel herb
• Spikenard rhizome
• Yellow dock root

The Kidneys ~
• Water is the most important “medicine” our body needs when we are ill.
• It is more important than any herb or supplement be3cause without it , the body can’t properly flush irritants.
• All of our eliminative channels need water to work properly.
• Without water the stools become hard and the body gets constipated.
• Without water the body can’t flush toxins through the sweat glands in the skin.
• It is also vital in creating a healthy flow of mucous to keep the respiratory system clear of disease
• Water is vital to the function of the kidneys. The kidneys can’t flush irritants from our body properly if the body is even partially dehydrated and when one is sick the kidneys need extra fluids to do their job.

• if the kidneys are sluggish, they may need a little boost from herbal remedies called diuretics. They work best when taken as teas , but they can also be beneficial in capsules or tinctures as long as they are taken with ample amounts of water. Here are a few of the herbs that can help the kidneys flush irritants from the body more effectively during acute illness.
• Agrimony herb
• Asparagus stem or roots
• Buchu
• Celery root, seed or stems
• Cleavers (or bedstraw) herb
• Cornsilk
• Dandelion leaf
• Juniper berries
• Goldenrod flowering tops
• Gravel root
• Horsetail herb
• Hydrangea root
• Marshmallow leaves and roots
• Nettle leaf, seed and root
• Parsley herb and root
• Peach leaves and twigs
• Uva ursi leaves
• Watermelon fruit and seeds

If an infection seems to be present in the urinary tract, the following herbs may be combined with those listed above to help the body clear the infection.
• Cranberry
• Echinacea root
• Goldenseal root
• Pipsissewa herb
• Uva ursi leaves

The Skin~
Sweat baths~ open elimination through the skin. Sudorific herbs are herbs that enhance perspiration. They move blood to the surface of the skin and help to opent eh sweat glands to promote elimination. You can also make a warm tea of any of the sudorific herbs. You can also take a tincture of glycerite of these plants or swallow capsules, and drink plenty of warm water.
• Blue vervain herb
• Boneset herb, flowering tops, root
• Chamomile flowering herb
• Catnip herb
• Coriander seeds
• Dill weed
• Ginger rhizome
• Garlic bulb
• Horseradish
• Peppermint leaf or flowering herb
• Pine bark or needles
• Spearmint leaf or flowering herb
• Yarrow flowers

Herbal composition formula and children’s composition formula both make great teas to drink before and after a sweat bath to induce perspiration.

• After drinking the tea, draw a bath as hot as can be comfortably tolerated. Add to the water a couple of tablespoons of ginger powder, a handful of rosemary or mint leaves or other aromatic herbs. Put the herbs in a cloth bag so the leaves don’t get all over in the tub.
• Another even easier sweat bath treatment is to put 5-10 drops of essential oil such as lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus or peppermint in the bath. Dissolve the oils in a little liquid soap before putting them in the bath water so they will mix with the water and not just float on the surface.
• After getting out of the bath, don’t dry off. Wrap up in a cotton sheet and go to bed. Pile on the blankets and allow the sweat to come freely. It’s fine to fall asleep. When done, take a cool shower to cleanse the skin and close your pores. Don’t allow chilling during the process.
• With small children, don’t put them into a really hot bath. Use a warm bath and gently wash the child’s body down with some natural soap (such as Dr. Bronners super mild baby soap) and a wash cloth to make certain the pores are open. Add just a small amount of lavender essential oil or tea tree essential oil to the bath or using a natural soap will help to stimulate the circulation and draw the blood to the extremities.
• Sweat baths are helpful for all types of ailments , especially colds, fevers, flu, sinus congestion, rashes and earaches.

Drawing Baths~ decoctions and herbs can be used in drawing baths. Simmer a handful of the herb or herbs you want to use in a large pot with a couple of gallons of water in it for about 20-30 minutes. Strain and add to the bath. You can also use commercially prepared liquid herbal extracts in a bath. You need a full two –ounce bottle in a bath, however, so although convenient, that can be rather expensive. All of the blood purifying herbs can be used as well as the following:
CAUTION~ bayberry, goldenseal and yellow dock all contain a yellow dye which can color the skin. It wears off rather quickly however.
• Burdock leaves
• Comfrey leaves
• Golden seal root
• Oregon grape root
• Plaintain
• Yellow dock root
• Redmond clay (one of the best drawing agents)

A great way to detox
• Drink plenty of water throughout this procedure
• Start by taking an enema. Plain water is helpful, but an herbal solution is better
• After the bowel has been cleared with the enema, take some of the herbs used for sweat baths, such as yarrow.
• Then get into a drawing bath as hot as can be comfortably tolerated with two cups of Redmond clay and two cups of Epsom salt in bathwater. Add 5-10 drops of an essential oil you like. Soak in the water for about 20 minutes. Drink plenty of water or herbal tea while soaking.
• After the soak, take a warm shower and vigorously cleanse the skin with a washcloth, scrub brush or loofa sponge and a natural soap. Soap with some eucalyptus or peppermint oil stimulates the skin pores.
• Turn off the hot water and also the cold water to hit all the surfaces of your body for just a few seconds.
• Get out of the shower and immediately without drying off, wrap yourself in a cotton sheet and go to bed. Pile on the blankets and continue to drink plenty of water. The idea is to get warm enough that you start to sweat. You may fall asleep. After about an hour or whenever you wake up, take another cool to slightly warm (not hot) shower, dry off and get dressed.
• Be warned that if your body has a lot of toxins, the sheet that you used may be permanently stained
Class 4~ Turning off the Faucet

• Excessive drainage is cause by inflammation of the sinus membranes due to the presence of some irritating substance.
• When the tissues are damaged by irritants, they release histamines which dilate the blood capillaries and allow excess fluid to enter the tissue spaces.
• In the case of sinus problems, these excess fluids drain out onto the surface of the mucus membranes, which helps to flush the irritants away.
• Sinus drainage, watery eyes, sneezing, post-nasal drip and coughing are all ways of flushing irritants through the respiratory system.
• Just as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can be thought of as a liver crisis, respiratory congestion and all of the conditions that accompany it can be thought of as a lymphatic crisis.
• Frequent or chronic respiratory problems are a symptom that the lymphatic system is burdened and sluggish. This is true in the case of chronic sinus congestion, chronic post nasal drip, frequent coughing, hay fever and allergy induced asthma.
• Secondary conditions that develop from this same root cause are sore throats, earaches, swollen lymph nodes and tonsillitis.
• Foods that are difficult for our body to break down will congest the lymphatic system and lead to excess mucus production. Dairy, wheat, animal proteins such as meat and eggs, refined sugar and salt can be contributing factors to these conditions.

Sinus drainage~ is the attempt of the tissues to wash away irritating toxins. The fact that it burns the upper lip demonstrates its toxic nature. We want the body to be able to flush these irritants, so what we need are remedies that will enhance, not diminish, this drainage. Pungent aromatic herbs are extremely beneficial here.
• Capsicum fruit
• Garlic bulb
• Ginger rhizome
• Horseradish root
• Mustard seed
• Rosemary herb
• Sage herb
• Thyme herb
• Another great remedy is hot tomato soup with capsicum or cayenne pepper added to it.
• Fresh horseradish
• Hot Chinese mustard
• Fresh apple juice with lemon and fresh ginger juice.

Always use these herbs with plenty of water as the body needs the water to produce the thin, watery mucus.

If the body is unable to flush the irritation in the early stages, it will thicken and become white and harder to eliminate. As the infection settles in, the mucous becomes discolored. Another group of herbs is then needed to think the mucous and allow the body to clear the congestion. These are called decongestants.
• Elecampane
• Fenugreek and thyme
• Goldenseal and Echinacea
• Horehound
• Mullein and marshmallow
• Plantain leaves

Coughing and sneezing~ caused by mucous that has gotten too thick for the cilia to sweep along causing a reflex action of coughing or sneezing which is the bodies effort to break up the thick mucous.
The class of herbs that help the body expel mucous are called expectorants.
• Garlic bulb
• Horehound bulb
• Horseradish root
• Lobelia herb
• Marshmallow root and leaf
• Mustard seed
• Onion bulb
• Pine bark, bum and nettles
• Spikenard rhizome
• Wild cherry bark and fruit
• Yerba santa leaves
These can all be used to relieve coughs, wheezing, shortness of breath and fluid in the lungs by stimulating the body’s ability to expel the mucus through coughing and/or sinus drainage.

Allergic reactions – are signs of an overtaxed immune system and a generally toxic condition in the body. Following cleansing procedures and improving ones diet can go a long way towards reducing allergic reactions.

Herbs that maintain tissue integrity and inhibit mast cells from bursting to trigger inflammatory reactions are natural antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers. They include:
• Bitter orange peel
• Blessed thistle root
• Burdock root
• Chinese epedra or mahaung herb
• Codyceps
• Eyebright herb
• Nettle leaf and root
• Ragweed herb
• Local bee pollen can also be consumed in very small quantities

Lymphatic congestion~ many respiratory problems start with sluggish lymphatic drainage.
• Garlic oil is one of several aromatic substances that can be used as part of light lymphatic massage to reduce congestion in the head and chest.
• Equally effective and less offensive odor-wise are various essential oils mixed with oil
1. cajeput
2. eucalyptus
3. lavender
4. lemon
5. thyme
6. tea tree
• dilute these essential oils in olive oil by adding one part of essential oils for 10 parts olive oil.

Internally, you may use:
• calendula herb
• cleavers
• Echinacea root
• Mullein leaves
• Plantain leaves
• Red root root
• Red clover flowering herb
• Yarrow flowers and herb
NOTE- I write about peppermint oil being a great use to rid a person of hiccups and while it works well , this remedy should NEVER be used for babies or small children. Peppermint oil is so powerful in this realm that it will stop a baby or small child's heart from beating. Please use caution with this oil.

Cleansing is a critical step in natural healing.

Four External Eliminative Systems
• Gastrointestinal tract
• Respiratory passages
• Urinary system
• Skin

• If the body eliminates through the GI tract the result will be nausea or vomiting and/or diarrhea.
• When it tries to eliminate through the skin, it will produce rashes, pimples, hives, ache, pox, sweating, dandruff, and itching and body odor.
• When it tries to eliminate through the respiratory tract, the result is sinus drainage, sneezing, coughing , water eyes, post nasal drip, earaches, sore throats, tonsillitis, bronchitis, bad breath congestion in the lungs, wheezing and/or asthma.
• When the elimination is made via the kidneys, the result may be frequent urination, burning urination, cloudy urine, blood in the urine, kidney stones, back pain and or kidney and bladder infections or inflammation.

Rather than trying to suppress these symptoms, the goal should be to make the symptoms more productive; that is to help the body do what it is trying to do which is to eliminate whatever is clogging it.

• The colon is ones of the body’s primary chimneys and is often the first one to become clogged.
• The fastest way to open the “chimney” of the bowel is with an enema or colonic.
Plain water can be used for enemas however; I recommend that you use purified water, not tap water. Enemas are more effective when you use an herbal solution. One of the most effective is garlic tea. Garlic is natures most powerful antibiotic~ as powerful as penicillin without the side effects. It also helps induce perspiration, and elimination through the lungs, so a garlic enema actually helps open up three of the four eliminative channels.

It can be made the following ways.
1. Blend a small clove of fresh garlic with a pint of warm water in the blender and then strain to remove the pulp.
2. Make a garlic tea by steeping two or three capsules of garlic powder or about a quarter of a teaspoonful in a cup of boiling water. Strain through a fine cloth to remove fiber particles.
3. Put a couple of dropperfuls of garlic oil (the garlic oil has been diluted ina an olive oil base) into a teacup full of warm water and add a few drops of a natural liquid soap. The soap helps emulsify the oil so it will dissolve in the water. Stir the solution thoroughly. A small amount of the oil may continue to float on the surface, but this is fine. There is no need to strain this solution

If you can’t stand the smell of garlic, here are some other options.
• Make a tea of any of the following: catnip (one of the best), fennel, peppermint, chamomile and /or spearmint. You can also use the children’s composition formula, a catnip and fennel glycerin extract or tincture or a similar commercially prepared liquid herbal preparation in the solution.

The following can be used in older children and adults
• A small amount of composition tea or herbal crisis formula diluted with water
• 3-4 drops of lavender oil or ½ tsp of lobelia tincture per pint of water to relax muscle spasms
• 3-4 drops of lavender oil, cajeput oil and /or tea tree oil per quart of water for yeast infections
• Coffee has also been used as an enema solution and has a very cleansing effect on the colon and liver
• Decoctions or tinctures of herbs like dandelion, burdock, yellow dock , red clover or Oregon grape can also be used to enhance the liver cleansing effect of the enema.

Herbal laxatives~ if you are saying there is “no way my child will allow me to give him/her an enema” Stimulant laxatives are another category of herbal remedies. They contain anthraquinones, chemicals that provide a slight irritation to the tissues of the bowel, encouraging the muscles of the colon to contract and expel the contents.
• Senna leaf (very strong)
• Aloe, green part of the leaf, not the gel (very strong)
• Cascara sagrada bark (strong)
• Buckthorn bark (strong)
• Turkey rhubarb (strong)
• Butternut bark(milder)
• Barberry root (mild)
• Yellow dock root (mild)

Strong stimulants should not be for long term use, as they can exhaust and enervate the colon tissue. Anytime you stimulate something repeatedly, you will eventually exhaust it’s energy reserves.

Diarrhea- is an attempt of the body to flush an irritant from the intestines. Astringent herbs can be used to slow the loss of fluids and arrest the diarrhea if it gets too bad, but that is not the best way to handle this.
What we want to do is absorb irritants by using herbs that absorb so that they will no longer be irritating to the lining of the colon, and the flushing action will slow down.
• Slippery elm is a mild, mucilaginous which helps absorb toxins in the bowel. It is very soothing to the entire digestive system. It can be mixed with applesauce, cereal or fruit juice. It does not mix well with cold fluids.
• Other mucilaginous herbs that work are marshmallow, aloe juice, or psyllium seeds.

For adults, psyllium hulls, oat bran, rice bran and acacia gum can be used.

Activated charcoal is the best absorber of toxins. It can also be used as a first aid remedy and should be in every medicine cabinet in America.
• It absorbs gases and poisons that upset the digestive tract, making it an excellent remedy for foul belching, sour stomachs and diarrhea.
• Absorbs most poisons and is great to have on hand to treat accidental poisoning. CALL POISON CONTROL BEFORE ADMINISTERING CHARCOAL FOR POISONING.
• Adults can take charcoal in capsules. The dose for diarrhea is 2-3 capsules every two hours up to a maximum of 8-10 capsules per day. If overdone, you could end up with constipation instead of diarrhea.
• Charcoal can also be given to children and infants by diluting it in water and then administering it by the dropper or spoonful. Adjust the dose by weight and age. Infants should not be given more than 1-2 capsules per day, young children 3-5 capsules and older children 5-8 capsules.
• You can also apply activated charcoal to insect bites, bee stings and even spider bites to help draw the poisons out of the skin. Just moisten the powdered charcoal with a little water and apply it to the skin as a paste.

Nausea and vomiting ~ we do not want to suppress the body’s vomit reflex when the body is trying to flush and irritant in this manner. We really want to support the body’s efforts.
Emetics- herbs that induce vomiting and are very helpful in cases of food poisoning, flue or the ingestion of toxic substances. They may also be helpful in some fevers, respiratory congestion and asthma attacks. CALL POISON CONTROL BEFORE ADMINISTERING EMETICS FOR POISONING.(some poisons are caustic meaning the burn the esophagus while going down. If you induce vomiting, they will burn the esophagus again coming back up and should be appropriately neutralized before being expelled.)
1. blue vervain
2. boneset
3. ipecac
4. lobelia
5. mustard

Lobelia and Ipecac are very strong and dependable emetics. To use lobelia to induce vomiting, a tincture or glycerite is appropriate, but tea or capsules will also work. The secret is to take small, repeated doses with water every five minutes or so until vomiting occurs. A small dose would be about 30 drops or one dropper full of the liquid, a few sips of the tea, or ½ capsule.

Some peppermint leaf, ginger or chamomile tea will help settle the stomach after vomiting has occurred. These herbs are anti-emetic to ease nausea and vomiting.
• Peppermint oil is also a wonderful anti-emetic. Simply add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to a cup of warm water and sip the water slowly. You can also place one drop of peppermint oil on one’s finger and apply the oil to the back of the tongue. This will also immediately take care of hiccups.
Class 5- Simple Techniques for Rapid Relief

Sore throats~ Lymph massage with the following essential oils will help with this.
• Capsicum extract
• Garlic oil
• Eucalyptus essential oil
• Lavender essential oil
• Lobelia extract
• Prickly ash bark tincture
• Red root tincture
• Tea tree essential oil
• Tei fu oil or massage lotion
• Thyme essential oil

Earaches~ can also be relieved by opening lymph drainage. There are also some herbal remedies that can be used in conjunction with lymphatic drainage.
• Garlic is very effective for relieving earaches and can be employed in a number of ways.
• Garlic oil which is simply garlic infused into olive oil can be warmed and used in the ear as ear drops. Even better is a combination of garlic with mullein flowers and or St. John’s wort flowers. The garlic oil can also be rubbed around the ear itself and used along the side of the neck for ht lymphatic drainage massage.
• Another way to used garlic is to take a clove of fresh garlic and cut a piece to the size that will fit comfortably in the outer ear . Do not make the piece of garlic so small that it will fit in the ear canal. You only want it to rest on the outer ear. It can be dipped in olive oil to keep the burning sensation away.
• Onion call also be used. Start by steaming or baking an onion with the skin on until it is soft. Keeping the skin on helps to hold the onion juices inside. Crush some of the cooked onion in a bowl to press out some of the juice of the onion... Using an eyedropper, place some of the warm juice in the ear. Usually, this relieves the pain in a matter of minutes.
• An alternative method is to cut the cooked onion in half and put eh cut surface against the outside of the ear and hold it there for 5-20 minutes. This is also proven highly effective in removing the pain.
• Colloidal silver works just as well. 500 parts per million colloidal silver is best. It can be warmed and placed in the ear, but is even more effective mixed with the following essential oils.
1. lavender
2. cajeput
3. tea tree
4. thyme
• Use one drop of essential oils per 10-30 drops of colloidal silver. Essential oils can also be diluted in olive oil for a similar effect.
Earache massage~ the following is effective for relieving earache:
1. Have the person lay on his or her side with the aching ear facing upward.
2. Put the ear drops (garlic oil, onion juice, colloidal silver , etc) in the ear.
3. Grasp the lower part of the ear and begin stretching and massaging it. This helps the remedy reach the eardrum and begins the process of lymphatic drainage.
4. Finally after a few minutes of massaging the ear, begin using the milking technique to increase lymphatic drainage in the neck and throat. Place your finger in the indentation just under the ear and behind the jawbone . Gently stroke the neck downward from this point just as you do for the sore throat. Gently massage the lymph nodes in the throat area too. This will dramatically increase the flow of lymph moving away from the ear.
5. this may be repeated every hour or so if necessary.

Other remedies for earaches~
• Tincture of eyebright~ adult 30 drops every 15-30 minutes by mouth; children 10-15 drops every 30 minutes by mouth. Take until the pain subsides, then continue taking 3-4 doses per day for a couple of days to be sure that the problem does not return.
• A dose of 10-20 drops of eyebright tincture three times a day is also very helpful in preventing earaches in children that are susceptible to them. Eyebright will actually reduce the swelling, providing the same effect as the surgically implanted tubes, but working more directly on the cause.
Class 5- Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever

Hippocrates was actually saying “If you feed a cold, you will HAVE to starve a fever” In other words, don’t feed a cold or a fever, starve them both. Whenever you are acutely ill, you should go into a fasting or semi fasting mode.
• Eat only things that “burn clean” like raw fruits and vegetable juices or soups.
• As the person starts to feel better, gradually introduce vegetables, nuts, seeds and eventually grains and proteins back into his or her diet.
• When you are sick or congested, it is important to avoid all heavy protein foods such as meat, fish , chicken , eggs, milk , cheese or even beans and tofu. Avoid highly refined and processed food.
• One of the factors that makes many fruits very cleansing to the system is the fact that they contain fruit acids, such as malic or citric acid, vitamins and simple sugars- all of which are used within the cell to generate energy through a process known as the Krebs cycle. Fruits that contain more of these acids, such as lemons, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, etc have a very cooling effect on the body when there is irritation and inflammation present. This is because they help to keep the “energy generators” inside our cells working so the body is able to more effectively flush irritants.
• Just drinking lemon water when feverish or otherwise acutely ill can help to rapidly flush the toxins and bring the body back to normal function. Juice half a lemon for an eight ounce glass of water and sweeten with a small amount of grade B maple syrup. If you need an energy boost, a small amount of capsicum can be added to this drink.
• For infection try blending the juice of four lemons with a clove of raw garlic and one quart of water. Add enough honey, grade B maple syrup or stevia to sweeten.
• Remember that when the body’s energy is low, you should always start with light, simple, easily digested foods until the body begins to gain a little more strength.
• Keep a child or adult on a mild food diet for about 2-24 hours after the disease crisis has passed. A mild food diet is composed of fruits and vegetables only. During and episode of acute illness , and for the first meal after acute illness, it is ideal if the diet consists only of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. As soon as the person begins to feel better they can eat any fruits or vegetables they want. The vegetables can be raw, steamed stewed or baked. As the person feels better, heavier foods can be reintroduced.

Many people have recovered from serious illness by simply living on mild foods or raw foods. Most of us cannot tolerate living on nothing but fruits and vegetables. Foods that burn longer and create a more sustained heat in the body are nuts, grains, legumes and other seeds.
• Seeds naturally contain enzyme inhibitors that hold their enzymes in a dormant state until the seed begins to sprout. This makes them difficult to digest. Two ways to deactivate the enzyme inhibitors are cooking and sprouting. Cooking also deactivates the enzymes. Sprouting turns them into a vegetable making them easy to digest.
• Nuts can be slightly moistened and left overnight on a damp towel or paper towel (they do not need to be soaked. This brings the nut back to life and makes it easier to digest and more nutritious. Nuts or seeds that have been soaked or sprouted can be sued on the mild food diet.
Class 5~ It’s not all in your head

General procedures for headaches~ like other types of pain and acute illness; headaches also involve inflammation and can be usually relieved by removing irritants and increasing lymphatic drainage. It is a good idea to begin by working the neck and shoulder area to ensure that the lymphatic drainage system is operational.

Topical herbal applications~ massage techniques can be greatly enhanced by the topical use of herbs in conjunction with the massage and pain relief techniques.
• Tei fu or deep relief essential oils applied to the neck and shoulders
• A very effective procedure is to start by applying a mixture of capsicum and lobelia extracts (equal parts) to the entire neck and shoulder area, then do the lymphatic massage. Then follow with adding a few drops of Tei Fu or deep relief oil to the neck and shoulders, gently massaging them into the same areas.
• These herbs increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, greatly increasing the speed at which the headache can be relieved.

Two types of headaches~
• Vasoconstrictive headaches are sometimes called tension headaches, although they can become very severe, even to the point of being labeled as migraine headaches. They are caused by lack of blood flow coming into the head area. This is typical of tension in the neck and shoulders caused by lymphatic stagnation and muscle cramping. The muscle tension impedes the flow of blood into the head area, and a headache results. Tension headaches typically create the sensation of pressure on the head. It feels like the head is being constricted by a vise or belt. There may be a sense of pain in the neck and there is an uneven feeling in the vertebrae.
1. The basic lymphatic drainage techniques work to relieve headaches.
2. an additional technique that often helps tension headaches is to apply a general pressure to the top of the head.. Form the fingers into claws and place them on each side of the centerline of the skull. Pull downward and outward to stretch the skin on the scalp. Maintain the pressure for 15-20 seconds. This loosens up the scalp and helps improve circulation. Floow this with a gentle massage of the scalp, temples and around the ears.
3. In addition, one can also massage the tense areas int eh scalp,
4. Internally, herbs which have an antispasmodic effect will help to relax tense muscles and relieve tension headaches.
• Black cohosh root
• Cramp bark
• Kava kava root
• Lobelia herb
• Skullcap herb
• Skunk cabbage root
• Magnesium is very helpful for easing muscle tension and cramping
• Kudzu/St. Johns wort can be taken regularly as preventatives for this type of headache.

Sinus Headaches~ are caused by congestion in the sinus cavities that produces pressure and inflammation. The key is to promote drainage so the sinuses can discharge irritants.
• Begin by using lymphatic drainage techniques.
• Follow by applying pressure points around the eyes. The first of these points is found where the bridge of the nose joins the eyebrows. At this point, there is a little indentation (or notch) in the bone. Apply pressure on these indentations and hold the pressure. Never press so hard as to cause severe discomfort. On some people only a slight amount of pressure can be tolerated. Press only as hard as the person can accept. Hold the pressure for a moment or so. A second notch is in the middle of the eyebrow. Apply pressure where you feel this little notch. Maintain pressure until a good strong pulse can be felt. Often one side or the other will feel like it is filled with something and the application of pressure will cause the feeling to give way. A third point is at the end of the eyebrow. After these three pressure points have been eased, the temple area may be massaged lightly. There are also points located at the base of the nose on either side of the nostrils, and three on the cheek bone. One just off the nose, on the cheek bone directly under the middle of the eye and one at the outer end of the eye. Often pressure applied on these points will relieve the tightness felt in the sinus areas and thereby ease the pain.
• Internally, decongestants that break up mucus congestion can be helpful for eliminating sinus headaches. Fenugreek and Thyme are particularly good for this purpose.
• Another helpful technique for relieving sinus headaches is to bring some water to a boil , add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, lavender oil and /or pine oil and inhale the vapors. Drape a large towel over the head and pan (like a tent) to more effectively capture vapors. It not only opens the sinuses and respiratory passages, it also has a profound disinfecting and antibacterial action on the tissues. Be prepared to do some sneezing , and coughing and for the sinus congestion to loosen up and flow.

Pay attention~ A headache is a sign that something is irritating and inflaming tissues, and the source needs to be identified and eliminated.
• Tension headaches are often stress related, so various means must be found to reduce stress in a person’s life. They may also be a sign that the pH of the body is too acidic, so changes in the diet must be made.
• Chronic sinus problems are almost always liked to a congested colon. If you cleanse the colon, the pressure will be taken off.
Class 6- The Disease Process- An Introduction to Biological Terrain and the Flour Stages of Disease

One common denominator in the entire disease process – biological terrain or it is also called internal environment.

• There area four root causes of disease-
• There are four environmental conditions that disrupt the balance of the biological terrain.
• There are four stages to the disease process
• There are two additional disease states that deal with the flow of fluids and energy through the body.
• This makes a total of six possible imbalances in biological terrain.

Four stages of disease process and the four corresponding tissue states:

Disease State Tissue Condition
Acute Irritation
Sub acute Stagnation
Chronic Depression
Degenerative Atrophy

The acute stage of disease – irritation
• When cells are damaged, they burst and release certain chemicals into the surrounding tissues called histamine and bradykinin.
• Histamine reactions are well known for their involvement in allergic responses, but they area also involved in all inflammatory reactions
• Bradykinin also involved in inflammatory reactions, particularly the symptoms we experience with the common cold.
• Histamine and bradykinin cause the capillary pores to enlarge. This is turn allows massive amounts of fluid, including the plasma protein albumin to flood the tissue spaces. So, a smashed finger begins to swell. Fluid and protein rush out of the blood stream and into the spaces around the cells, filling them with fluid. This takes the cells out of their normal dry state and slows down the exchange of oxygen. It also causes the waste material to accumulate in the spaces between the cells. In effect, the cells start “drowning”.
• The pooling of tissues creates the first symptom of inflammation- swelling.
• Because the swelling deprives cells of oxygen and nutrients, they send out a distress signal that we call pain.
• The other two symptoms of inflammation are redness and heat.
• In response to the situation, tissues become hyperactive. They speed up their metabolism, trying to clear out the surrounding area and repair the damage.
• Anytime you see heat (elevated temperature, either locally or generally , as in fever), swelling, redness and sharp pains you are dealing with an inflammatory condition.

The Sub acute stage – Stagnation
• Stagnation occurs because fibrinogen (an even larger plasma protein than albumin) has entered the tissue spaces. Fibrinogen is the substance responsible for forming blood clots.
• This creates a kind of swampy condition in the tissues in which fluids are no longer moving rapidly.
• Toxins build up in the tissue spaces further weakening and damaging the cells.
• The heat dissipates as the cells tire and starts to become under active.

The Chronic Stage of Disease- Depression
• As stagnation persists, tissues continue to be starved for oxygen and nutrients.
• They become increasingly poisoned in their own metabolic wastes
• There is lack of tissue activity, so the tissues are said to be depressed because they will not respond properly to normal stimulus
• There is a chronic feeling of malaise, lack of energy and perhaps dull , aching pains
• Heat can be encountered again, but it is not brought on by over activity of cells. It is more like the heat from a compost pile. It is brought on by the action of infection and decay.

The Degenerative stage of disease- Atrophy
• As the situation remains chronic, there is an eventual breakdown not only of function but structure as well.
• This is the final stage of disease
• Tissues become dry as fluids stop moving. They lose their mobility and their elasticity and become brittle and rigid.
• As long as there is life remaining in any tissues, they have the capacity to regenerate to overcome the process of breakdown and decay and renew them selves.

The body will bring about a disease crisis in order to counteract an irritation. If the body is unsuccessful in mounting a crisis to expel what is irritating it. If the body is unsuccessful in mounting a crisis to expel what is irritating it, the second stage of disease, stagnation begins. There are two reasons why the body may be unsuccessful in mounting a crisis:
1. The body was too weak to resist the irritant and mount an effective response.
2. Because the crisis is suppressed with drug medications. Symptoms such as fever, runny noses, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, skin eruptions and so forth are methods the body uses to flush irritants that are causing inflammatory reactions.

Herring’s Law of Cure:
All cures come from within out, from the head down, and in the reverse order as the symptoms have appeared in the body.
1. A healing crisis only occurs when a person in a chronic or degenerative disease state is put on a health building program. It does not occur when a person is put on a cleanse. Symptoms that occur during a cleanse are the result of the cleanse, and if they are severe, they are a sign that a person is cleansing too fast.
2. Since the person’s energy is being restored, the person will always start to feel better; i.e. have more energy, before the healing crisis occurs.
3. A healing crisis always involves symptoms of an acute illness that was not fully resolved. That is, a healing crisis always involves an attempt in the body to recreate a suppressed or failed disease crisis. So, it involves symptoms of discharge such as sinus congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, fever, and headaches.
4. a healing crisis is generally short-lived, lasting typically between 24 and 72 hours.
Class 6~ the Disease Tree

Soil – Constitution

Roots –Environmental Stress
• Trauma- mechanical damage to the body; burns, frostbite, cuts, laceration and broken bones. These can lay the foundation for more serious diseases later in life. A damaged joint is more susceptible to developing arthritis than a joint that was never subjected to trauma.
• Toxicity or poisoning~ Chemical poisons that damage tissues; snake bite, bee sting or encounter of poison ivy. This can also occur from food additives, pesticides, household cleaning products, heavy metals, drugs and other toxic substances. It can also come from the toxic waste from the body’s metabolism.
• Nutritional deficiencies-The body needs nutrients in order to function correctly
• Mental and Emotional Stress- Unresolved mental and emotional stress must be dealt with before healing can occur.

Trunk – Biological Terrain
• All root causes feed into the same trunk. The trunk of the tree is biological terrain. All of the cells of the body live in an internal ocean of lymphatic fluid. It is the composition of this fluid that determines the health of our cells.
• Just like the health of a plant depends on the health of the soil in which it is grown , so the health of our tissues depends on the composition of our bodily fluids, lymph and blood. When these are imbalanced, the whole organism is affected.
• The cells of our body need five things to survive. They need nutrients, water, oxygen, waste removal and regulated temperature.

Branches- Body Systems
• Each system of the body contributes something toward maintaining a balanced biological terrain that meets the needs of the body’s cells.
• Digestive system –processes food into a form the cells can use and deliver these nutrients to the blood stream
• Respiratory system- formed by sinuses and lungs- supplies oxygen to the lungs and removes the waste product carbon dioxide
• Circulatory system- consists of the heart and blood vessels- transportation system- Carries the dissolved oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues of the body and also serves as a place where wastes can be eliminated. Every tissue is fed by blood capillaries, where cells can exchange dirty , waste-laden fluid for clean, nutrient-rich fluid.
• Lymphatic system – consists of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. This system picks up the larger “garbage” from tissues and takes it through the lymph nodes which act as “little sewage treatment plants” to purify the fluids before returning them to the bloodstream.

Several systems specialize in removing waste from the body:
• Large intestinal system- eliminates undigested food we eat and serves as a dumping ground for debris from the lymphatic system. When the colon can’t handle the debris from the lymph, it is eliminated through the mucus membranes lining the sinuses and lungs.
• Urinary system – The kidneys filter waste fluid from the blood for elimination. They are backed up by the sweat glands in the skin, which act as a kind of third kidney to eliminate waste form the blood. The skin can also eliminate waste through the oil ducts that lubricate its surface. Finally, the liver serves to neutralize toxins or change them into other chemicals that the eliminative organs can remove.
• Temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus and the glandular system which controls how slow or fast we burn food for heat.
• Nervous system – control system that keeps the body systems working in harmony.

As imbalances in biological terrain affect the structure and function of these body systems the major limbs and branches of disease begin to form.

Twigs and leaves- Specific disease symptoms
• Treating symptoms is like pruning the tree. You may be able to eliminate certain branches by suppressing specific symptoms with drugs or by removing diseases tissues with surgery but these actions do nothing to eliminate root causes.
• Obesity , diabetes , depression, high blood pressure , low thyroid, and arthritis seems very complicated, but the truth is that all of theses conditions are from the same root causes and the same biological terrain imbalances.
• The body does not exist in pieces; it exists as a whole and all of these disease symptoms are simply part f the pattern of the whole.
Class 7 Basic Supplements

• Most people immediately think of vitamins when they think of supplements, but the need for mineral supplementation is much greater than the need for vitamin supplementation.
• Since our bodies are literally composed of minerals (we are made of the “dust of the earth”.) healthy bodies are connected to healthy soil. If any element is missing from the soil, them it will be missing from the foods we eat as a result, we will not be properly nourished.
• Our commercial methods of agriculture are not only depleting the soil of precious trace minerals, they are also destroying the ability of plants to be able to utilize those elements. Our food is nutritionally deficient from the start.
• As food is refined, more of it’s nutritional content is removed.,
• When plants have the minerals that they need, they are able to produce chemicals such as volatile oils, saponins, tannins, etc which protect them against insect damage and disease.
• Mice deficient in copper were found to develop fragile bones, anemia, connective tissue defects, infertility , high cholesterol levels, heart attacks and were unable to control their blood sugar levels- all of this from a lack of copper!
• Science has established that animal life needs trace amounts of such minerals as vanadium, cobalt, nickel, iodine, tin and even arsenic. Many foods contain extremely small amounts of certain otherwise poisonous substances. Almonds contain cyanide.
• The body needs a little of every naturally occurring element
• The minerals in our foods are largely responsible for their characteristic taste and small. Plants which have good mineral content will have stronger odors and flavors than plants which do not.
• Spinach grown in organic soil had twice the phosphorus content, twice the calcium content, four times the magnesium content, three times the potassium content, and nearly 80 times the iron content of commercially grown spinach
• The best way to obtain more trace minerals is to take colloidal minerals periodically.
• Very few people in our society are calcium deficient. Without trace minerals, they are unable to properly utilize calcium in their diets.
• Magnesium is a macro mineral that most people need. Far more people are deficient in magnesium than calcium.

Herbal sources for trace minerals
• Alfalfa
• Dulse
• Horsetail
• Oatstraw


• Enzymes are the “spark plugs” of the life process
• They regulate numerous body functions and minerals act as catalysts for enzymes, so the two work hand in hand to promote health.
• They are found in raw foods and are destroyed by heat.
• Cultured foods like live-culture yogurt and sauerkraut are also rich in enzymes.
• Most processed foods contain enzyme inhibitors, which are added to processed foods to prevent spoilage and increase shelf life. As a result most people need to take an enzyme supplement.

Two types of enzymes
• Tissue enzymes- control all the biochemical reaction in the body. All neurotransmitters, hormones, and detoxification are done with enzymes. For example, liver enzymes are responsible for breaking down toxic substances in the liver.
• Digestive enzymes- Help the body break down the food we eat into the nutrients we need. They help with structural repair, immunity, detoxification and other body functions. Most people will notice a difference in digestive function, energy level and overall health after taking a plant enzyme supplement.

Three categories of enzymes:
Protein-Digesting (proteolytic) Enzymes

Carbohydrate- Digesting Enzymes

Fat- Digesting Enzymes

Two other substances that can aid digestion are

HCL (hydrochloric acid)- as a person ages , their ability to produce hydrochloric acid diminishes. Almost everyone over 50 does not produce enough. HCL works with pepsin.

Bile salts- produced by the liver and secreted by the gall bladed. They are used to emulsify fats, that is bile salts make fats water soluble.

Some herbs that can stimulate digestive secretions are:
Alfalfa herb
Artichoke leaf
Catnip herb
Chamomile flowers
Dandelion leaf and root
Fennel seed
Fringetree bark
Gentian root
Ginger root
Orange peel
Peppermint leaf
Spearmint leaf
Turkey rhubarb root

Most of us associate bacteria with disease. It is the action of bacteria for example that allows milk to be fermented to create cheese, yogurt and kiefer. Bacteria also create other fermented foods such as sauerkraut and tofu. They also breakdown minerals in eh soil and make them available to the roots of plants.
• Friendly bacteria produce chemicals that are deadly to harmful forms of bacteria, so they act as a natural antibiotic agents against harmful bacteria
• Friendly bacteria has a stimulating effect on the body’s immune system.
• The best known benefit of friendly flora is their ability to prevent yeast such as Candida albicans from multiplying out of control.
• Probiotics prevent diarrhea
• Probiotics also help overall colon health. They reduce the risk of inflammatory bowel disorders such as colitis, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. They also reduce the risk of colon cancer.

• If you eat your fruits and vegetables every day , including edible skins and seeds, and if you eat only whole grains, then maybe you are getting enough fiber.
• It absorbs bile from the gallbladder to help reduce cholesterol levels
• It slows the release of sugar into the blood to regulate hypoglycemia and diabetes.
• It absorbs toxins in the intestinal tract to help detoxify the body.
• It reduces inflammation in the gut
• It provides food for friendly bacteria
• Reduces the risk of colon cancer and prevents diverticulitis and hemorrhoids
• It helps assure regular elimination
• Most people are constipated from lack of fiber, lack of water, and magnesium deficiency
• Fiber is what really cleanses the colon
• Fiber is what binds the toxins so that they cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream.
• Taking one heaping teaspoonful of fiber, first thing in the morning with a large glass of water can make a dramatic difference.
Class 7- Building the Body
The vital importance of good nutrition

The second key to maintaining or regaining good health is good nutrition.

Common Sense Rules for Improving Nutrition:
1. Your body is the best nutritionist you can listen to. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel.
2. Always focus on the positive. Focus on eating healthy food, not avoiding junk food. Treat yourself to some fresh fruit every day, some vegetables and a good salad. Eat what you know you should eat first. Your body needs to become acquainted with a wide variety of healthful foods so it can learn which foods contain the nutritional elements you need. As your body becomes more and more accustomed to healthful food you will gradually lose the desire for the junk food.
3. Substitute a healthier version. Don’t give up sweets, eat healthier versions. Use raw , unfiltered honey; blackstrap molasses, pure maple syrup, date sugar, freeze-dried sugar cane juice (molasses crystals) and other natural sweeteners instead of refined sugar. Replace refined flours with whole grains. Replace margarine, shortening and hydrogenated oils with butter, olive oil, flax seed oil and other high quality fats.
4. Buy quality food even if it appears to cost more. For instance, although whole grain bread costs more, you eat far less and feel more satisfied. Organic meat and produce actually taste better, and because they are more nutritionally dense, you actually eat less. Furthermore, you won’t have to pay a higher price later in the form of sickness and doctor bills.
5. Remember that it isn’t what you don once in a while that counts. It’s what you do every day. If you’ve been eating well for a while and you suddenly get a craving for a particular type of food, don’t ignore it, even if you think it is junk food. Your body may require some chemical element from that food and it doesn’t know anywhere else to get it.
Class 7- Basic Building Blocks
Three Principles of Good Nutrition

The final judge of any dietary program should be the effect it has on your own body.

1. Consume the proper balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
2. Focus on eating whole foods and avoiding unnatural refined and processed foods.
3. Avoid foods that are incompatible with our own biochemistry- foods that cause allergic reactions. “One mans meat is another man’s poison”. Some foods even if they are whole and natural are not compatible with our biochemistry.

Principle Number One: Balance the Diet
• Imagine your plate divided into three parts. 1/3 of your plate should be some high quality protein source and the other 2/3 should be composed primarily of fruits and vegetables. There should also be some quality fat in the diet. Since fats are high calorie sources, we only need a small amount of fat (about one tablespoonful) to make up 1/3 of our caloric intake.
• Eating in this manner also helps balance the body’s pH (the balance between acid and alkaline substances in our body) which is one aspect of biological terrain. Experts on maintaining a healthy pH in the body suggest that about 2/3 of ones diet should be alkalizing foods and the remaining 1/3 should be acid-forming foods. Since protein foods tend to be acidifying and fruits and vegetables tend to be alkalizing, this same plan will help to maintain a balanced pH in the body.

Principle Number Two: Eat Whole, Natural Foods
• Select high quality foods.
1. Carbohydrates come from plants. They are formed when the plant takes carbon dioxide from the air, water from the soil and energy from the sun and binds them together in complex chains called starches and sugars. They are extremely important to the function of the human body, providing our basic source of energy. As we consume carbohydrates the body breaks them down into sugars which are transported to the cells through the bloodstream. Inside cells, these sugars combine with oxygen, releasing the stored light energy from the sun to sustain cellular functions. B –complex, magnesium and other accessory nutrients like fiber. Whole foods contain these other nutrients required to utilize carbohydrates. These are called complex carbohydrates. The fiber in complex carbohydrates slows the release of sugars into the blood stream, and the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients help the body properly use them.
• Simple sugars require little or no digestion and are quickly absorbed in the blood stream. Since they contain no vitamins and minerals the body must use up its own stores of these nutrients to process them, so they provide “empty calories” that actually deplete nutritional reserves. Because the body is searching for other nutrients, they actually encourage overeating as the body consumes more calories than necessary in search for the missing vitamin and minerals it needs.
• Simple carbohydrates are also high glycemic foods. This means that they trigger a lot of insulin production. Insulin is a hormone, produced by the pancreas that carries sugar into the cells of the body. When there is too much sugar in the blood, insulin helps to shunt the excess into storage as fat. In other words, a diet too high in carbohydrates will lead to obesity.
• We need to get the bulk of our carbohydrates from complex, low –glycemic carbohydrate sources. Foods that fit these criteria include all non-starchy vegetables, including zucchini, green beans, lettuce, chard, beets, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, peas, celery, onions, bell peppers and turnips. Some fruits are also low glycemic such as most berries. Others that are very sugary, such as dates and pineapple are high glycemic. Vegetables that are sources of complex carbohydrates, but are not low glycemic include potatoes, yams, wheat, corn and other grains. Complex carbohydrates that are not low glycemic are wholesome foods, but because they trigger more insulin production (and therefore more fat storage) they need to be consumed in smaller portions than low glycemic carbohydrates.

Practical Suggestions for High Quality Carbohydrates
• Deliberately eat some fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Where possible, buy organic fruits and vegetables. When you eat your fruits and vegetables first, you’ll feel more nutritionally satisfied and have less room for high glycemic, simple carbohydrates.
• Substitute whole grains for refined flours. Whole grain products are more nourishing and filling than white bread and white rice so you won’t eat as much. You don’t want to eat a lot of grain products because they are high glycemic carbohydrates.
• Substitute natural sweeteners for refined sugars. Use raw, unfiltered honey , grade B maple syrup, freeze- dried sugar cane juice, molasses, date sugar, or other natural sweeteners instead of refined ones.
• If you find yourself constantly craving sweets try using licorice root or stevia. These herbs help balance blood sugar levels and reduce sugar cravings. You may also be low in trace minerals and B vitamins. Sugar cravings can also be a sign of yeast overgrowth.

• Proteins should be called the building blocks of the human body.
• Their main function is to build body tissue; muscles, skin, eyes, blood, heart and brain, just to mention a few.
• ¾ of the body’s solid mass is made up of protein.
• Proteins are used for important life processes such as being used as fuel for cells , helping to transport molecules
• Proteins are part of antibodies and genes
• Proteins are broken down into amino acids in the digestive tract. Amino acids are important precursors to the formation of neurotransmitters and certain hormones. A lack of protein can not only cause a loss of muscle mass, it can also cause mental and emotional problems.
• It is possible to obtain the protein that we need from vegetable sources.
• A breast fed baby has the most natural form of nourishment. Babies double their size in six months, which would lead one to believe that they would need the most protein. Mothers milk when analyzed was found tht it has the lowest amount of protein of any mammal. So , our protein requirements may be lower than many people think.

Protein and cooking
• Native people ate a large portion of their animal protein raw or very rare. Pottenger showed that animals cannot thrive on cooked protein and neither can human beings.
• Cooking any protein food at high temperatures denatures the amino acids, so the body does not get the benefit of the protein. Meat that is well done has very little vitalized protein that our body can use.
• Red meat, as long as it is not ground, should be eaten as rare as can be tolerated.
• Salt water fish can also be eaten rare, smoked or raw (if properly prepared as sushi). Sushi is traditionally consumed with pickled ginger and wasabi, both of which help to prevent intestinal parasites.
• Fresh water fish and poultry should be cooked thoroughly, but not overcooked. Ideally, the meat should still be moist and tender.
• Slow cooking (in a crock pot) also helps to preserve the integrity of the protein.
• The pasteurization of dairy foods at high temperatures while helping to prevent the spread of food-borne illness has also caused dairy foods to be much more mucus-forming than they are when taken raw.
• Eggs can be and have been eaten raw, except that commercial eggs have been washed to remove a protective coating on the surface of the egg which prevents bacteria from penetrating the shell. It is unwise to eat commercial eggs raw. Instead, they should be soft scrambled or otherwise soft-cooked. When eggs have been hard boiled, or cooked until they are rubbery in texture, proteins have been denatured.
• The protein in plant foods, such as legumes is less susceptible to degradation through cooking. However, even here, overcooking is still a problem. Beans were traditionally slow cooked, with the lower temperatures helping preserve the food value of protein.
• In order to derive the benefits of the protein in our foods, it is important that they are never overcooked or cooked at high temperatures. When high protein foods are prepared in this low heat manner, much less protein is required because there is better utilization of the available protein.

Contaminated Animal Products
• Modern agricultural methods have created other serious problems with animal products.
• Animals are routinely given antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals that alter the taste and composition of meat.
• This has a negative impact on our glandular and immune systems.
• It is part of the reason young girls are entering puberty at younger and younger ages.
• The use of antibiotics in animal feed is also helping to deplete the friendly bacteria in the gut and contributing to the proliferation of yeast infections.
• If salmon is harvested in the wild, it is a great source of omega 3 essential fatty acids~ if it is farm raised, the salmon is low in omega-3. As a result, it must be artificially colored to disguise its poor quality.
• Commercial eggs are very different from eggs produced from chickens that are allowed to scratch around the barnyard for food. Commercial eggs are much paler in color, with runnier yolks and weaker shells.

Practical Suggestions for High Quality Proteins
• Learn how to prepare protein foods correctly.
• Utilize more vegetable sources of protein such as legumes (peas , beans, peas, nuts and lentils ) and nuts.
• Select high quality animal products wherever possible. Choose organic meat, eggs, and dairy products when available.
• Don’t over consume protein foods and balance them with low glycemic carbohydrates (especially green vegetables). Most adults need only 2-4 ounces of protein at any meal. Eating more, especially when one isn’t consuming a lot of green vegetables at the same time, creates an overacid pH and a toxic condition in the body.

• Fats get a bum rap when it comes to nutrition. It is not the fats that are the problem, but the quality of fats and how they are prepared.
• Fats are essential for the body
• They carry fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.
• They are necessary for proper cell function and development of the whole body.
• Fats are burned to keep the body warm especially in winter.
• Our brain and nerve tissue is mostly composed of fat
• Fats are important for glandular function-the reproduction and adrenals in particular.
• Fats also lubricate the skin, keeping it soft and moist.
• Fats are broken down into fatty acids in the digestive tract. Certain fatty acids are essential because they must be obtained from the diet.
• American diets are high in omega-6 essential fatty acids because these are found predominantly in vegetable oils.
• Most Americans are deficient in omega -3 essential fatty acids, which are found in deep ocean fish, wild game, fish oil , flax seed and hemp oil.

Different Types of Fat
• Monounsaturated fats- liquid at room temperature, such as olive oil.
1. Healthy fats that can actually reduce cholesterol. Good sources include avocado, olive oil and nuts
• Polyunsaturated fats- liquid at room temperature, such as found in vegetables and grains.
• Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, such as animal fat.
1. These fats have been blamed as the cause for high cholesterol and are certainly not as healthy to eat as monounsaturated fats, however they are not as bad as transfatty acids found in hydrogenated oils. Some saturated fats like coconut oil have a high smoke point and are a better choice for cooking at high heat.

• Hydrogenated fat are formed when hydrogen is added to make the fat solid at room temperature, such as shortening.

Practical Suggestions for High Quality Fats
• Avoid fried foods, especially fried food from fast food restaurants.
• Avoid hydrogenated fats and oil, including margarine and shortening. Use olive oil for salad dressings and coconut oil for cooking.
• Obtain omega -3 essential fatty acids by supplementing the diet with fish liver oil or flax seed oil.

Principle Number Three: Avoid Foods Incompatible with One’s Biochemistry
• Individuals can react differently to the exact same diets and supplement plans.
• Food allergies are a major cause of chronic disease.
• This is sometimes due to the fact that food is sometimes improperly digested, however genuine food allergies have to do with genetics.
• Some people genetically lack the enzymes to break down the lactose in milk products, so milk and unfermented dairy foods will cause intestinal distress and gas.

Common Allergy-Causing Foods:
• Beans
• Berries
• Chocolate
• Corn
• Dairy
• Egg whites
• Food additives
• Gum Arabic
• Nuts
• Oranges
• Peanuts
• Peas
• Shellfish
• Soy
• Tomatoes
• Wheat
Class 8 – Drugs as Toxins- conclusion
Cleansing Our Life of Poisons

We have been told that disease killed people in the 1800’s because they did not have the benefit of modern medicine.

In the 1800’s orthodox physicians used three primary tools to combat acute disease:
1. Blistering-consists of applying mustard oil or other caustic acids to the skin in order to raise a blister. This was thought to draw excess blood away from a swollen area.
2. Bloodletting-used to remove excess blood. They used a lance to break the skin and allow the person to lose a few ounces to a pint of blood. Sometimes this was accomplished using leaches.
3. Drugs- the most common drugs used during this time were mercury, strychnine, arsenic, antimony and opium.

This was called the burn, cut, and poison method of treatment.

20th century:
• Evidence suggests that the decline in contagious disease was largely due to improving public sanitation.
• Our overuse of antibiotics is breading “super germs” that are resistant to all known antibiotics.
• We have an epidemic of chronic and degenerative diseases caused by our suppression of acute disease with drugs.
• Chemotherapy has replaced mercury and strychnine
• Radiation is used instead of blistering with caustic agents
• Bleeding has been replaced with precise surgical techniques.
• The only difference between a poison and a drug is the dose. Medicines become poisons at high enough doses, and poisons become useful drugs at low enough doses.

Poisons and healing agents are two separate things. Either something is wholesome and will nourish both the sick and the healthy or it is unwholesome and should be avoided whether one is healthy or sick.
Class 8- Cleansing Programs

Cleansing the Body in Chronic Illness and the Four Lines of Immune Defense

Methods of assisting the body in cleansing itself:
1. Opening the bowels using herbs and supplements that support colon health, hydrotherapy (enemas or colonics) and dietary changes.
2. Using herbs or other supplements to stimulate the expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract.
3. Improving elimination through the skin through bathing, sweat baths, exercise and herbs
4. drinking plenty of water and strengthening the kidneys with appropriate herbs and supplements
5. Using herbs and foods which stimulate liver function and aid in detoxifying the blood.

• Doing the above gets rid of the waste material that is causing the symptoms.
• Taking medications that suppress these symptoms drives the waste deeper into the body and leads to more serious chronic and degenerative disease.

The first line of immune defense
• Modern medical research is confirming the link between GI problems and chronic illness.
• Medical research has now linked all of the following diseases with intestinal inflammation: arthritis, allergies, eczema and other skin diseases, some cancers, asthma, and even mental diseases like depression, ADHD, and schizophrenia.
• When the small intestine becomes inflamed, it is no longer able to process nutrients and absorb them properly. This gives rise to colitis and other inflammatory bowel disorders, including Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and ulcerative colitis. All of these diseases involve a breakdown of the intestinal mucosa due to the inflammatory processes.
• Inflammation and swelling in the intestines lead to an increased absorption of toxic materials in to the blood and lymph streams, a condition known as leaky gut syndrome. This gut leakage creates a cascade of negative reactions that adversely affect every system of the body

Causes of intestinal inflammation:
• Antibiotics
• Food allergies
• Drugs and other chemicals
• Microorganisms

Cleansing and rebuilding the colon
1. Remove-remove the irritants that are causing the inflammation. Herbs are needed that help to remove harmful microorganisms and parasites from the gut. Candida and other fungal infections are frequently a problem here. Antifungal herbs can be taken to help knock out yeast infections. Examples of antifungal herbs include:
• Black walnut hulls
• Garlic bulb
• Lavender herb or essential oil
• Olive leaf
• Oregano flowering herb (the essential should not be used internally)
• Pau d’arco bark
• Purple loosestrife
• Spilanthes herb
• Tea tree leaf and essential oil
• Usnea lichen

People who have pets or who have developed health problems after traveling abroad , or who dimply can’t seem to get well, may have parasites.

The following herbs are useful for eliminating parasites . Those marked with an a asterisk have some toxicity and should be only as part of a formula or under professional supervision.
• Black walnut hulls (especially the green hulls)
• Butternut bark
• Clove buds
• Elecampane root
• Garlic bulb
• Goldenseal root*
• Male fern herb*
• Paw paw twigs*(standardized extract)
• Pumpkin seeds
• Quassia wood*
• Sweet annie
• Tansy herb*
• Wormwood herb*

The best way to cleanse parasites and yeast from the
Colon is to complete a parasite cleansing program.

2. Replace digestive enzymes-Unless your diet is at least 60% raw foods, you need to supplement your diet with extra enzymes. Enzymes help the body break down food efficiently which results in less intestinal irritation and better absorption of nutrients. They also enhance the immune system and aid cellular detoxification and repair. Enzymes are taken between meals so they will break down toxic material in the GI tract.
3. Reinoculate Friendly organisms- the friendly microorganisms in the intestinal tract are very important to one’s health and well-being. Probiotics (friendly microbes) help to reduce waste acids, prevent harmful bacterial infections, block mutation of intestinal cells, produce short chain fatty acids needed for cell health, and reduce food sensitivities.
4. Repair the leakiness- fiber is the most important thing needed to repair gut permeability. As mentioned in the previous lesson, soft fiber products absorb toxins from the intestinal tract and reduce irritation. Licorice rot and chamomile are two single herbs that are very good at cooling “overheated” intestines. Wild yam is also helpful for soothing intestinal inflammation, especially where there is abdominal cramping and pain. Another single herb that cools intestinal inflammation and helps to repair leaky gut syndrome is kudzu, an invasive week of the southern United States.

The Second Line of Immune Defense- when the digestive organs are overloaded, then food decays instead of digests. This is what causes gas, bloating, nausea, foul breath and other symptoms of indigestion which so many people experience. The liver is the second line of defense
Symptoms that they liver is overburdened with toxins include a sensation of bloating or “stuffiness” under the right ribcage, frequent abdominal gas and bloating or “stuffiness” under the right rib cage, frequent abdominal gas and bloating, headaches (especially migraines) , skin eruptive diseases (such as acne, rashes, hives, and eczema)dizziness, eye problems, PMS problems, uterine fibroids, varicose veins, insomnia at night with a groggy feeling in the morning , depressions, swollen lymph nodes , poor appetite and severe body odor.

Single herbs for liver cleansing include
• Alder bark
• Artichoke leaf
• Blessed thistle root
• Blue flag root
• Celandine herb and root
• Culver’s root
• Dandelion root and leaves
• Fringetree bark
• Ho shu wu root
• Milk thistle root and seeds
• Oregon grape root
• Toadflax flowering herb

One of the best ways to cleanse the body and help the liver and digestive system rest and repair themselves is to do a periodic fast. For most people, the best way to fast is to do 24 hour water only fast or a juice fast lasting from 3-7 days.
• For water fast, simply refrain from eating food fro 24 hours. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help the body flush toxins from the system. It may also be beneficial to take an enema and a sweat bath during the fast.
• The ideal way to do a juice fast is to purchase a juicer and make your own fresh fruit or vegetable juices. Refrain from food and simply drink as much juice as you desire for a period of three days or more. If you have a tendency to low blood sugar , it is better to use vegetable juices rather than fruit juices. Taking an enema and a sweat bath once per day during the cleanse will greatly improve the results.

The third line of immune defense- The glandular system which includes the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary and reproductive glands. When the liver is overpowered, the endocrine glands force elimination through other organs. For example, the thyroid gland forces elimination through the skin and mucous membranes. The adrenals increase elimination through the urinary and reproductive systems. Which glands are activated and which organs are used to eliminate the poisons depends upon a person’s constitution.
• If you have any problems with glandular weakness, then your first two lines of immune defense have already been breached and your final line of immune defense is getting tired. Always go back to the root cause of the situation. Improve your diet and cleanse and rebuild your colon and liver. This will take the stress off of the glands and let them heal.
Class 8- Cleansing your life

Reducing our exposure to environmental toxins.

Up to this point, our primary focus on cleansing has been toxins out of the body, but doesn’t it make more sense to keep them out the body in the first place. Chemicals are added to our air, water, and our food. They are also found in our household cleaning products and personal care products. Toxic chemicals are also added to fabrics for clothing and upholstery, as well as carpets and building materials. . The body can handle a certain amount of toxicity especially when provided with good nutrition and healthy attitudes.

• It was discovered over 50 years ago that certain chemicals were having a negative impact on the reproductive capability of wild animals.
• Xenoestrogens are chemical compounds from environmental pollutants that bond to estrogen receptor sites. The term estrogen does not refer to a specific hormone.
• Xeno is a Greek word meaning foreigner , stranger or alien, so Xenoestrogens are foreign or alien estrogens
• Xenoestrogens bond to receptor sites within cells to make specific changes in cellular activity.
• These chemicals estrogens can disrupt the function of the endocrine system in two ways:
1. They mimic natural hormones and turn on cellular processes at the wrong time or simply over stimulate them.
2. They can also bond to receptor sites without stimulating them, blocking normal hormone processes.

Xenoestrogens do not readily break down in the environment. They tend to accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals and concentrate, the higher up the food chain you go.

Some possible side effects of Xenoestrogens on human beings include
1. Earlier onset of puberty in young girls. Girls are entering puberty at younger and younger ages
2. Increases in breast and prostate cancer. These tissues contain estrogen receptor sites and are extremely prone to genetic damage and the stimulation of excess growth by Xenoestrogens. Other cancers of the reproductive organs may also be caused by Xenoestrogens.
3. Uterine fibroids and other reproductive disorders in women. By over stimulating uterine tissue, excessive tissue growth is encouraged.
4. a world wide decrease in male fertility

Chemicals that appear to have serious reproductive and endocrinal disruptive effects include
• Pesticides (2, 4-D, DDT and many others)
• Organochlorides (dioxin, PPB’s, PCB’s, and others)
• Heavy metals (cadmium, lead and mercury)
• Plastic ingredients

The problem of Xenoestrogens is compounded by the fact that farmers are routinely adding hormones to animal feed to increase production of milk and eggs. These hormones are also finding their way into our food and causing glandular imbalances.

Ways to avoid Xenoestrogens:
1. organic fruits and vegetables should be purchased whenever possible
2. Produce should be washed in a natural soap like Dr. Bronners Super Mild Baby Soap.
3. Use only organic meat, dairy and eggs.
4. Use glass or paper cartons instead of plastic containers where possible.
5. Use natural plant based estrogens to tie up estrogen receptor sites. Phytoestrogens have a much milder estrogenic effect than natural estrogens or Xenoestrogens. The theory is that consuming foods rich in Phytoestrogens, receptor sites will be tied up , resulting in less estrogen stimulation. Legumes are high in Phytoestrogens. Other good sources include dark green vegetables and whole grains. Herbal sources include red clover, licorice, black cohosh, and hops.

Food Additives:
The average American consumes several pounds of food additives each year. These include artificial colorings and flavorings, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers, and many more.
1. The liver has to process all of these chemicals as foreign substances, which places a great deal of stress on that organ.

Two food additives to avoid:
2. MSG- short for monosodium glutamate
• Symptoms include headaches, arthritis symptoms, malaise and digestive distress.
• Most prepackaged soups, and ranch dressing contains MSG.
3. Aspartame
• Has the same calorie content per gram as sugar but is 200 times sweeter.
• Research has found that it is ineffective in weight loss programs overall.
• Aspartic acid is linked with destruction of brain cells according to some scientific studies.
• Methyl alcohol – another ingredient of aspartame is converted within the body to formaldehyde and formic acid. Both are harmful poisons. These chemicals are highly toxic to the thymus gland which produces T-lymphocytes for immune defense.
• It is linked to health problems such as nausea, recurrent headaches, seizures, rashes, blindness, and brain damage.
• It has also been found to interfere with the body’s neurotransmitters, which can lead to behavioral changes including moodiness, hallucination, twitching, abnormal breathing and depression.

Water Contaminants
• Tap water in most parts of the country is now laced with chemicals as a result of industrial contamination and agricultural runoff.
• Even where this is not a problem, the addition of chlorine to drinking water is a problem.
1. When chlorine combines with organic matter in the water it forms carcinogenic chemicals such as trihalomethanes and chloroform. Chlorine itself is a free radical and causes free radical damage. It changes HDL cholesterol (the good kind of cholesterol) into LDL cholesterol.
2. Chlorine is being gradually replaced with other chemicals in many municipal water supplies. One of these chemicals is bromine. Both bromine and chlorine displace iodine in the body, which may be partly responsible for the growing problem of low thyroid in this country.
3. Another common drinking water additive is fluoride. The evidence that fluoride prevents tooth decay is weak. The element fluoride found in foods, is a valuable nutrient, but the fluoride added to drinking water is a toxic byproduct of aluminum manufacturing. It is an endocrine disrupter for males, interfering with testosterone. It is also linked to increased cancer risk.
4. buying bottled water is not necessarily the answer ,because there are not quality standards for bottled water. Carbon filters are also unreliable for removing many contaminants from the water. The two best methods are reverse osmosis and distillation.

Household Chemicals
• Our homes are filled with chemical substances in laundry detergents, soaps, chemical disinfectants, antiseptic hand cleaners, toothpaste, cosmetics and deodorants. This is a whole class in itself. Just use more natural alternatives for these products whenever possible.
• Another source of chemicals is indoor pollution. Formaldehyde, the substance used to preserve dead bodies is now routinely added to commercial building materials. Add this to solvents found in paint, caulk, adhesives and glues, plus the chemicals added to make carpets and upholstery stain resistant and you have a lot of chemical substances being released in to the air in any new home. This is why many people feel sick or get headaches after remodeling or moving into a new home.
1. besides allowing for adequate ventilation , there is an easy way to deal with the problem of indoor pollution- houseplants. Plants help clear toxic chemicals out of the air. So, air out your home as often as is practical, and keep some houseplants to clean up the environment.

Heavy metals
Heavy metal poisoning is a serious problem in modern society. The following are some of the major metals and how to avoid them.
• Arsenic- found in pesticides, laundry aids, smog, cigarette smoke, table salt, seafood and even contaminated drinking water. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning include confusion, convulsions, drowsiness and headaches. Toxic levels of arsenic can cause coma and death. Arsenic can also cause cancers. People working around pesticides, mining, and metallurgical work are at high risk of developing high levels of arsenic toxicity
• Aluminum isn’t technically a heavy metal, but it can be toxic in the same way. Symptoms are the same as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. Anemia, poor calcium metabolism, forgetfulness, gastrointestinal disturbances, headaches, liver and kidney function problems, memory loss, nervousness, speech disturbances, softening of the bones, and weak , aching muscles are some of the symptoms of possible aluminum toxicity.
• Cadmium accumulates in the body , replacing zinc in the liver and kidneys. Toxic levels of cadmium may cause anemia, loss of appetite, hair loss, high blood pressure, joint soreness, dull sense of smell and dry scaly skin. Also, cadmium weakens the immune system by lowering the levels of T cells (white blood cells that protect the body from foreign invaders and cancer cells). Cadmium can cause kidney disease and liver damage, cancer , emphysema and a shortened life span. Cadmium is found in cigarette smoke, plastics, ickel/cadmium batteries, drinking water, fertilizer, fungicides, pesticides, soil air pollution, refined grains, rice and soft drinks.
• Lead is one of the most toxic metals known. When lead reaches toxic levels in the body, it can damage the kidneys, liver , heart and nervous system. The body cannot tell the difference between lead and calcium, so pregnant women, children and other people who are deficient in calcium absorb lead more easily, with children affected the most severely. Possible symptoms of lead poisoning include anxiety, arthritis, confusion, chronic fatigue, behavioral problems, juvenile delinquency, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, metallic tasted in the mouth, tremors, mental disturbances, loss of memory , mental retardation, impotency, reproductive disorders, infertility, liver failure and death. Exposure to lead can come from food that is grown near roads or factories, lead based pain, hair products, food from lead soldered cans, imported ceramic products (especially from Mexico and China) , lead crystal glassware, ink on bread bags, batteries in cars, bone meal, insecticides, tobacco, lead pipes, and lead solder in water pipes.
• Mercury is even more toxic than lead. It is found in the water supply, food, sewage, sludge, fungicides, pesticides, some grains and seeds that are treated with methyl mercury chlorine bleach (which also seeps into the food supply, and contaminates our waters and fish). Also, mercury is found in everyday products such as cosmetics, dental fillings, fabric softeners, inks, tattoo ink, latex, some medications, paints, plastics, polishes, solvents and wood preservatives. Mercury has long been known as one of the most toxic substances to the human body. According to the World Health Organization, amalgam dental fillings are a major source of mercury exposure. Mercury amalgam fillings may be a significant contributing factor in many chronic degenerative and autoimmune conditions. Mercury passes through the blood-brain barrier and can cause autoimmune disorders, arthritis, blindness, candidiasis, depression, dizziness, fatigue, gum disease, hair loss, insomnia, memory loss, muscle weakness, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s , Alzheimer’s , Parkinson’s , paralysis, lupus, food and environmental allergies, menstrual disorders, miscarriages, behavioral changes, depression, irritability, hyperactivity, allergic reactions, asthma, metallic taste in the mouth, loose teeth and more.

Tampering with our food supply
Two of the latest food controversies are irradiation of foods and genetically-modified organisms (GMO’s)
• Although the irradiation of food does not make foods radioactive, it does alter them molecularly. Even microwaving foods alters the molecular structure of food
• GMO’s which have been humorously referred to as frankenfoods are another big threat to our health. As we tamper with the genetic structure of our food crops, who knows what the long term results will be.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I am Tosin. I want to narrate how I was completely healed from Diabetes type 2 via a naturopathic herbal method.

    My mom had suffered from diabetes Mellitus and which had resulted in her early death when I was a toddler. I have also lived to have suffered, unbeknownst, from this terrible disease in my youth age, and of which has resulted in several health complications I had experienced in my lifetime. I was thus, placed on an insulin medication as I also had maintained a healthy diet and regular exercises. This mode of treatment had persisted a long time without any rightful hope for a healthy personality in the future. I was dying piecemeal, and of all qualities, I had desired for was to become a normal person again. I prayed and never had stopped believing Providence was preparing better opportunities on my behalf.

    It was during my endless search for a positive remedy for my condition that I had stumbled upon the marvelous herbal works of Dr. Utu Herbal Cure and his everlasting motive in eliminating all viral diseases naturally. This African herbalist whom I had realized was also a natural healer and activist of the herbal works of his ancient fathers. I was very relieved at receiving this piece of information as I was very tempted to contact this African natural healer Dr. Utu about the betterment of my condition. I had given this herbal doctor every piece of information he had needed to save my life and I was highly marveled at his generosity in wanting to help me attain a normal life again. I had followed his herbal recommendations and after a few weeks, I had soon started seeing good changes in my health life. It was too real to be true, but it was as when I was later diagnosed to be un-diabetic.

    This miraculous change in my health life had occurred a few months ago and I am very much as pleased to share this piece of information every moment because it means so much to me as to be healthy again, and I know inwardly, that it would also mean so much to other people who happen to be suffering from this disease and would also prefer a normal life too. I wish to use this message to give confidence to those who would by chance happen to come across this information to be hopeful and find a confidant like Dr. Utu in overcoming their health problems. You can be healthy today for a healthier tomorrow by reaching this good herbal doctor for help and assistance. I would also encourage this piece of information to be shared among friends and loved ones to create a positive awareness.

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